Category: News

February 9, 2018
Brett Beyer Laser Sailing Clinics in Mexico, USA

Brett Beyer is joining us as a guest coach for three clinics between April 15 and May 6. The first two are aleady sold out! Here's the top 7 reasons to take part of this amazing opportunity.

September 4, 2017
Laser Sailing Report: Radial Worlds Regatta Report Medemblik

The 2017 Laser Radial Worlds was sailed Medemblik this past month. It’s a really great venue close enough to the Schipol airport in Amsterdam and very accessible to sailors from all over.

September 15, 2016
ISA's Mexico Clinic: Guacamole Recipe

There’s nothing better than one of ISA Chef Petra’s meals after a great day on the water. Here’s the ISA’s […]

May 13, 2016
Andrew Lewis (TTO)’s Comeback Regatta

On the 13th of December 2015, Andrew Lewis almost lost his life in a freak accident while training in Rio de Janeiro. Having already qualified for the 2016 Olympics, he had to shift is focus to recovery. Here, he chats with ISA on the eve of his first regatta after his accident, the 2016 Laser Worlds.

February 23, 2016
Qualifying for Rio Olympic Games with Yanic Gentry (MEX)

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Yanic Gentry on his latest qualification for the Rio Olympic Games at […]

April 1, 2015
ISA Shifting to Foiling Lasers

 (April Fools Joke 2015) The International Sailing Academy will be upgrading its fleet and shifting exclusively to the foiling Lasers. […]

November 25, 2014
Masters Racing in La Cruz, Mexico 2015

The 2015 Mexican Masters Clinegatta will take place this year from February 14-22 for racing in La Cruz, Mexico. It […]

March 4, 2013
JB Duler wins 2013 Mexican Masters

The International Sailing Academy would like to thank Randy (and Yemaya), Andy & Bill on the Race Committee, along with […]

October 15, 2012
Laser Fitness Tips: Losing 20 lbs to Sail Radial

ISA head coach Vaughn Harrison goes to train with Tania Elias Calles ahead of the London 2012 games. To train in the radial, he must lose 20 pounds ahead of his trip.

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