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Improving your Results with Deliberate Practice

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The Tom Burton Interview

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Downwind Laser Technique: Overtaking Waves

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Nick Thompson on the Role in Laser Sailing Coaching

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Masters Laser Sailing Clinics at the ISA

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Tom Slingsby Interview on Laser Sailing

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Get the Most out of Your Boom Vang

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Laser Rigging Tips: How to Calibrate your Laser Outhaul

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Tips & Tricks

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Mainsheet Management Tips

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Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise for Laser Sailors

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Nick Thompson's Laser Sailing Tips for Masters Sailors

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Tactical Lee to Lee Jibe

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Laser Sailing: Avoid Capsizing/Deathrolling Downwind

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Interview with Laser Masters World Champion Bill Symes

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Pro Laser Sailboat Rigging: Rudder & Tiller

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Laser Sail Telltale Placement

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Laser Sailing Class Rules Update Compasses

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A Basic Laser Sailing Fitness Program

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Laser Sailing Fitness while Traveling

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Laser Sailing 7 Most Effective Habits of Champions

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Sleep Hygiene to Increase Performance

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Tips to Ease your Mainsheet for Speed

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Laser Sailing Tips: How to Hike Better and More Efficiently

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Rule 42 Downwind Sailing Explained

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Laser Sailing Tips: Creating an Annual Training Plan

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Laser Sailing Tips: Selecting the Best Mainsheet

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Focus on ANGLE: A Key to Upwind Performance

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Laser Sailing Tips: Importance of Hydration

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Laser Rigging Tips: How to Maintain/Repair Laser Spars

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The Secret to Winning the Start - Boat Racing

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Tillerless Sailing Drill for Downwind Technique

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Laser Sailing Tips: Rudder vs. Sheet in Heavy Air Downwind

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Laser Sailing: Downwind Strategy Seminar Vaughn Harrison

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Get the Most out of Your Boom Vang

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Sailing Backwards on the Start Line

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Laser Sailing Tips: Maintaining Control Downwind in Laser

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Laser Rigging Tips: How to Calibrate your Laser Outhaul

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Laser Sailing Tips: The Best Body Positions Downwind

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Laser Sailing Tips: Reading the Wind on the Water

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Maintaining Position on the Start Line

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Tips for Rigging the Laser Hiking Strap

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Tips for The Best Outhaul Shock Cord System

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Laser Sailing Tips: Why Good Rigging Matters

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Laser Sailing: Fast Sailing in Light & Choppy Conditions

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Tips for Energetic Hiking most efficiently

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Fitness Tips: Why Top Sailors Cycle (Cycling for Hiking)

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Laser Sailing Tips: Prevent Mainsheet Tangles

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Tips on Handling Gusts & Lulls Effectively

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Cunningham System for the MKII Sail

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Staying Present for Racing Success

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Laser Sailing Tips: Launching in Onshore Wind

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Laser Sail Setup Tips

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Laser Sailing Tips: Downwind Sailing Pro Secrets

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Fire Walking for Elite Athletes

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Laser Sailing Tips: How to Steer in Waves

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Laser Sailing Tips: How to Fly with Laser Tiller Extension

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Bruno Fontes: How to be a Champion

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Laser Sailing Tips: Drawbacks of Pinching in Upwind Speed

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Video: Sail Through the Fleet Downwind

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Sail Setup in Light Air

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The Most Important Transition Downwind Sailing

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Applying Body Movements During Sailing

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Downspeed Moves for Starting Success

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Putting your Bow Down

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Laser Sailing Tips: Keeping Speed up in Light Air

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Ideas on Staying Fit While Traveling

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Laser Sailing Tips: Preventing Capsizing & Deathrolling

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Preventing Spar Corrosion

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Laser Fitness Tips: Losing 20 lbs to Sail Radial

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Thoughts on Fleet Building

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Interview with Masters World Champion Scott Leith

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Nick Thompson on the Role in Laser Sailing Coaching

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Nick Thompson's Laser Sailing Tips for Masters Sailors

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Interview with Laser Masters World Champion Bill Symes

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2018 Brenda Bowskill Aarhus Laser Worlds Recap

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Brett Beyer Laser Sailing Clinics in Mexico, USA

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Tom Slingsby Interview on Laser Sailing

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Laser Sailing Report: Radial Worlds Regatta Report Medemblik

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Interview with Olympian Sailor Brenda Bowskill

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ISA's Mexico Clinic: Guacamole Recipe

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Olympic Laser Sailing: My Journey in Rio

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Brett Beyer on the Role of the Coach

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Get to know Pablo Rabago (MEX) - Laser Racing Champion

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Bruno Fontes: How to be a Champion

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Laser Sailing Mexico: A Day in the Life at ISA

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Nick Thompson (GBR) on Coaching

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Andrew Lewis (TTO)’s Comeback Regatta

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Justin Norton (CAN) on Laser Worlds Preparation

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Qualifying for Rio Olympic Games with Yanic Gentry (MEX)

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ISA Shifting to Foiling Lasers

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Masters Racing in La Cruz, Mexico 2015

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JB Duler wins 2013 Mexican Masters

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Laser Fitness Tips: Losing 20 lbs to Sail Radial

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